Sunday, August 21, 2016

Manifestation Report #1

Hi y'all
I will now commence one in a series of reports on things I have been manifesting using the little understood law of attraction. Not "The Secret" style which is like a crash course and not pragmatically helpful in the way that Abraham Hicks is.   Part of me is wanting to show others that there really is something to it, but these posts are really for myself.  Perhaps you'd like to explain it away.  I don't really care because as far as I can tell, it totally works!
         Recently, it was that I entered a bunch of sweepstakes just to see if I would win something.  I didn't really care what, just something.  I won a super cute nautical tote bag with an author's autograph on a frameable piece of paper (it was Jane Green's promo of her new book, Falling, published by Penguin Group) and included were three cosmetic products.  One of the products, I have been wanting (asking the universe for) for a while.  I did not justify spending the money on the product, but low and behold it turns up at my front door! Plus there was a moisturizer which I had just been noticing I needed the other day.  Manifest!
        For a few months now, I have goaded my little family into picking up money they find on the ground. No penny is too sad or unwanted. I always thought it was foolish to abandon even a penny; disrespectful to the spirit of money or something.  All of the money is wanted.  Since then, money is turning up everywhere. I can hardly go on a walk without finding some.  I even have a little song now!  As I was telling my mom how I find coins and even paper money all the time, I found some coins right then.  A couple days ago, I was trying too hard attempting to will the money into being on the ground, but toward the end of my walk, as I relaxed and thought, oh well, next time, I found a shiny dime!  The day before, as my bf and I were talking about it, I found a quarter.  In fact, it seems like we now find dimes and quarters more than pennies!  Think of all the wishes I get to make! I realize you may be thinking that this doesn't amount to a lot.  Perhaps not.  We counted up $40 in our jar since we started looking which was since last December I think.  I even found $18 randomly in a parking lot, but it was after I passed up a penny in the store because someone was standing over it.  I thought to myself, "that's ok, there will be more.  There's always more money on the ground for me to find."  Then I found paper money!  I definitely felt like it was manifestation!  Some went to my daughter because she likes to randomly "tax" me here and there but the rest went into the jar.  It's just a fun little thing we've come to do.  My plan is that when we get $100, we'll play with it by trying to invest it or something.  That would be a fun financial headline; Family Makes Millions from Money Found on the Ground!  Love it!
          A while ago, I was looking on the West Elm website.  There was this brass anchor decor object.  The orientation of the anchor was unusual and it caught my eye because I had never seen one like that before.  The price, even on sale at $40 from $70, was prohibitive.  I went to bed and the next day went thrift store shopping like I usually do.  I could not believe my eyes when I found a 1970's version almost exactly the same as the West Elm version.  Same enough for me!  It was only $4!  Needless to say, I bought it and keep it where I can be reminded all the time of what kind of weight that anchor pulls in my life.  Very cool!

           It happened again not long after with a brass mister like the Hawkins brand from  I have seen these misters in thrift stores before, but I wasn't really looking hard for one there since usually they are beat up, don't work, flimsy, etc.  I was showing my daughter my wish list on the Terrain site and I had needed a mister for my plants in the downstairs bathroom.  I didn't even mean to go to the thrift store that day.  I was dragged there by someone who doesn't normally like thrift shops.  Everything was half off that day and I got my fancy, high quality, perfect-working-order brass mister for 99 cents!
           Oh did I mention how we manifested our cat?  I guess it was co-manifesting because she came to us a couple weeks before a month long planned vacation.  My daughter was eager regardless of the logistics of cat acquisition.  Our cat wish list had been: female, striped, soft short dense fur, lets you touch paws (most cats would never), funny personality, wise, sweet, gentle, all knowing gaze, comes to you when you're hurting, my daughter wanted the cat to like her the most, kitten like though I wanted unkitten like.  So this wish list had been floating around our conversations for a while.  My daughter also needed a therapy animal, so our cat is not a pet, but actually a companion animal.

             One day I was walking up the way and I saw an adolescent cat (kitten like, but not a kitten) popping it's head from under a car.  I could see that the neighbors had put a box and some water out for her (a female) but no food.  They didn't know where she had come from. No one seemed to be missing cat of her description. She was dangerously skinny and tawny (very faint stripes on a siamese/tabby, aka lynx point).  Later she grew into darker stripes as lynx points do and my mom noticed how she looked so much like my childhood cat, Jamie.  This was exactly the type of cat I was looking for!  I coaxed the little hungry kitty into my place and fed her tuna.  She stayed for good.  We ended up taking her to the vet for the whole shebang a week before she was babysat by my bf's cat loving grandpa who still calls her by her initial temporary name, Squeaker.  Her name is Quail.  Named because it suits her and also because we once knew a family with cats all named after fish.  We named some fish after cats and the idea died away until we met Quail. She was a manifestation for sure and she's currently gazing wisely at houseplant with a resident spider.  I touch her bean toe paws everyday!

              There are many more manifestations to tell you about but I've written a lot so that's enough for now!  Enjoy!

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