Thursday, December 15, 2016

Fun Ways Money/Wealth May Randomly Arrive in Your Life

This is about imagining wonderful, often fantastical ways wealth/money may arrive in one's life to get happy-freedom-abundance feelings about money flowing:

  • In the pocket of an old coat at the thrift store
  • In the cushions of an old sofa.  I heard some guys found $20,000 this way in NZ!
  • diamond ring at a bus stop, by a bridge, etc
  • briefcase of money on the side of the freeway
  • A tree growing money somehow with little cash leaves!
  • jelly donut with money inside instead of jelly!
  • a box found in the ground with valuable treasures inside
  • a wallet with no identifying material in the middle of nowhere
  • an old car with money hidden in the seat
  • money in the walls of your old house.  I heard some people once found an old speakeasy.
  • a goose with gold eggs
  • fish with gold caviar (is that too weird?)
  • pull up paver stones only to find valuables
  • money on the ground in a parking lot.  This one has happened to me!  $18 is not bad!
  • instead of water coming out of the faucet, it's gold pouring out!
  • For an hour after midnight on the full moon, everything non living you touch turns to gold 
  • money drops from the sky randomly.  Who knows why?  shrugs shoulders.
  • people come to your door with a giant check, balloons and roses saying you are a millionaire
  • you find a lottery ticket on the ground and do the second chance drawing only to win!
  • someone gives you a bunch of money for no reason
  • you find a time capsule with a super rare packaged toy inside and get your Ebay chops on!
  • hiking you find a secret grove of truffle mushrooms which are super valuable
  • money accidentally falls off the back of a truck and you find it
  • a friend wins the lottery and gifts you a bunch
  • an old relative leaves their estate and wealth to you
  • you get money for a collective lawsuit you didn't realize you were a part of (this happened to me)
  • Nice people in a foreign country mistake you for someone else and bestow many riches upon you
  • a baobob tree explodes with gold inside and you are there to catch it
  • a pinata full of money breaks open with you nearby
  • big denomination bills are carried very far by the wind and litter your yard with money
  • you accidentally uncover a secret cave full of jewels
  • you write a story, it all comes to you easily, and the first publisher you send it to loves it
  • a seemingly empty piggy bank that actually had $1000 dollars stuffed inside
  • a vintage purse with money stuck between the lining and the leather through a hole
  • finding gold jewelry in popular snorkeling areas This happened to my friend. Found a ring
  • people pay you to talk with them about whatever
  • people pay you large sums to do your favorite thing
  • a bundle of money appears in my bank account every morning